I would probably never say that. I love being outside.
We are going on WEEK THREE of moving! I'm so tired of moving stuff. The house is nowhere near ready to take pictures, but I thought I might share what the outside looks like.

First of all, this is my favorite part of the whole yard. It's secluded and peaceful and quiet. Along the back are lilac bushes. I need to get a bench - or better yet, a swing - so I can sit back there and have some private time to read or just think.
...and yes, that IS a central air unit tucked in over there by the house.

Looking from my peaceful little area into the front yard.

Standing in the driveway looking into the front yard. I forgot to include a better picture of the trees, but between the evergreens are cottonwood trees. There are times when ALL I can hear when standing in the yard are the leaves of the cottonwoods rustling in the wind. I adore those trees!

From the driveway looking out at the mailbox and the fields. See the line of trees way out in the background? Those would be our nearest neighbors.

More of the same field.

One of the outbuildings. Way off in the distance are windmills. Isn't that sky gorgeous??

The farm yard. Off in the distance is our cute little town.

The back yard, complete with farm equipment.

More of the back yard. I look forward to getting to use the clothesline. So far, all I've used it for was drying out a tarp. I've heard there is NOTHING like the smell of sheets that have been dried outside on the line.

The back yard from behind the farm equipment. The dirt area is a narrow strip where they've been planting. We're looking forward to exploring the treeline as a family. The thing on the right is the burn barrel. I love being able to just burn our garbage. No garbage sitting in a landfill for us! And no worry about shredding personal papers.
So there's my peaceful little section of the world. I look forward to many years of country living.
It looks great! I thought you guys had a clothesline when you were a kid. Am I wrong, or did you guys just never use it for drying sheets?
Thanks for posting the pictures! I need to e-mail you. I keep planning too but things have been too crazy for me to find the time. I'll try to make time today or tomorrow.
I like your little corner too! Lilac bushes are nice
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